Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Quest Encounters Major Hurdle

Well so far this week has been utter shit for my Quest and well it's been a crap week of my life. Firstly I had to go back to school which I was kinda looking forward to before I realised that this week would be spent with the rest of the people in my year. Then I had a few complications with my tutor.

You are probably wondering why I'm annoyed at having to spend time with other people in my year. Well as you probably know/have picked up from my blog I'm not really the most sociable person in the world and I don't have a great deal of friends. I don't classify somebody I sit next to in class a friend. That is more of an acquiantance a friend is the people I hang out with during my breaks at school. Anyway enough about my friends, I have to spend this week with the other Year 13s at my school getting 'training' on how to treat the new Year 9s that are coming to our school. This may not sound bad but I only have like 3 friends in my year group. The rest of my friends have either left school, go to different schools or are in the years below. Also the fact that we have to be in our house groups. I do not have any 'friends' in my house group so I have hardly spoken to anybody over the last couple of days at school.

Today we had to sit through a Maori welcoming. Some of you who aren't familiar with a Maori welcome will think this sounds great once I explain what it is. A Maori welcome at our school is basically people doing a Haka (which I think is a war dance) in order to welcome 'visitors' into our 'whare' (house which in this case is our school) Also there is a lot of singing and talking involved. You've read this and are now probably thinking to yourself. Oh this sounds wonderful I wish I could experience. Well here is the catch, you have to sit in a cramped hall which can barely fit 500 people, yet for this day roughly 1500 people are in the hall. You have to sit in it for roughly 90 minutes during that time almost 10 minutes is taken up by speeches in English. The next 80 minutes is taken up by Maori which means for 80 minutes you are sat down not understanding a word that is said. Sure it doesn't sound too bad but considering similar things happen at least 4 times a year (6 times last year :| ) and has been happening for the last 4 years (this will be the 5th year of this for me) it becomes a bit well annoying and pointless. Oh and did I mention when the new kids come to the welcoming they are met by massive Maori males basically scaring the shit out of them. Poor kids are wondering what the fuck they have walked into.

 As I said earlier I've had a few problems with my tutor. Basically I've sacked her well not really sacked her just 'broken up' with her. The whole tutoring idea was a big misunderstanding. Mainly on my part. I thought she had agreed to teach me German, while she thought I had agreed to teach her English. I was open to the idea of helping her with her English however when I asked if she'd teach me German in return she said no. So I severed ties immediately and told her I wasn't interested in teaching her English. The thing I don't get is why she wanted me to buy her lunch once a week if I was getting nothing in return. I have no problem with buying her lunch once every now and then because I'm a nice person. But she expected me to buy her lunch so I could tutor her English. Surely it should have been the other way round. I guess this is just another challenge to test my character. See if I can over come things when it gets difficult. I'll find another tutor maybe I'll find a tutor not as attractive who won't distract me with her amazingly good looks.

Also today we had to take the new kids back to our form class to show them well where they have to go in the morning. Luckily for our class we got an International Student as well. Usually I would have been overjoyed at getting an International Student. Even better is the fact she is a fairly attractive German. This sounds brilliant doesn't it, even better I was wearing a Bayern Munich shirt and she came and sat next to me. GET IN THERE CHIP NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. No :| I think I have changed as a person I talked to her for a bit before turning my attention elsewhere telling her I had to go and walking to the other side of the class to sit by myself. Usually I would have been all over that chance to talk to an attractive female. But I've realised in my life what I want and it isn't any female it's a certain female. A special female one who I want to spend my life with and one that I want to be there for, no matter what the circumstances are. I want to be there for her, I want to tell her how beautiful she is everyday and I want to make her feel special. Treat her how she should be treated. She'll be my Queen and well I'll be her servant. ♥

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