Hello everybody!!!!
So here we are the end of another week. An end to another fairly good
week on the fitness front but on the learning a new language a rather
poor week. So lets get down to what has happened over the last week in
the life of Chip!!!
Well as I said earlier I've had a fairly good week on the fitness front.
I lost another 300 grams. Which takes me to a weight of 81.2kg. My BMI
is now only 25.06 which is quite good since I have brought it down
roughly 0.50 in just two weeks. Also I'm beginning to notice a
difference in my build. I am starting to see what appears to be a six
pack and my arms are looking bigger and are harder. I'm also finding it
alot easier to say no when I'm offered chocolate and when I go into a
dairy I'm coming out with a bottle of water rather than an overpriced
sugary drink. I'm drinking lots of water everyday like 3 bottles maybe
and well I feel really good!!
Now onto the difficulties I'm having with my tutor. As I said in an
earlier post she is extremely attractive which isn't necessarily a bad
thing but it isn't the best thing when I'm trying to learn German to
impress a different female. Well we go back to school next week and my
tutor told me she needed 'a week of rest before school'. So it seems my
tutor isn't very motivated when it comes to teacher. Also she doesn't
really want bakery food for lunch she would rather have sushi which is
really good, as I really like sushi. I may have to consider getting a
new tutor but I'm not sure as this one is a really nice and super
awesome person.
So as you would have known if you read my previous blog about mindfucks.
My cousin is down in Auckland so I've spent a bit of time with her over
the last week despite the fact I can only stand her for roughly an hour
before I feel like picking her up and chucking her off a building. Fuck
I hate 8 year olds, they are so fucking annoying. Also I've been
watching lots of the Australian Open. Tennis is a lovely sport to watch
when you can get past all the screaming when females hit the ball and
some men also feel the need to scream. If a female can scream as loud as
Sharapova when she hits the ball, I'd hate to hear her when she
Lastly I have a things I need to say. Go Liverpool great work beating
BOTH Manchester clubs this week. Into the final of the Carling Cup and
possibly an FA Cup Final. I get a day off school when they make a final
so I'm looking forward to the day off for the Carling Cup Final. Also
Congrats to Vika for winning the Aussie Open and lastly well done to the
Blackcaps for not being total shit cunts against Zimbabwe!!!
peace :P
GREAT read chip :D keep it up