Sunday, 5 February 2012


Another week has ended, the third week out of well roughly 50 has just ended. I've had some success with the weight but not really any success with any other part of my life. This will be a rather short entry compared to the rest because well I've already had my rant for the week and nothing much has happened since my mid-week update.

So well I've lost another 100grams not the greatest result ever but it's still a loss. I'm now a solid 81.1kg which is almost 1.5kg off what I started at. Well I can't actually remember what I started at but it was like 82.5kg I think. Almost got myself down into the 'normal weight' range of the BMI Calculator. My situps and things with the weights have started to get smaller as I've been a bit lazy this week. I know it's terrible of me to get lazy as I'll never get what I want by being lazy. Well I might but well I'm more likely to get the female I want by showing initiative and well working off the excess weight and making myself a fine male speciman.

I haven't yet found a new tutor and well finding somebody willing to teach me German will probably be the biggest hurdle in my Quest. But I made the School Cricket team for the 5th consecutive year. Another year where I didn't even need to go to the trials, I just had to well say I wanted to play cricket this year and then I was in. This is because well I'm the only wicketkeeper at the school. I'm looking forward to this season as it will probably be my last season of 'proper' cricket as I can't see myself playing for a club. We have a tournament next Monday so I get the day off school to play cricket. I'm currently trying to find pink zinc so I can wear it when I'm playing. I might even get some pictures of me and my zinc to upload so you guys can see me.

I watched the Superbowl today. I'm a Patriots fan, I can't say I've always been a Patriots fan because well I haven't. I just have a love affair with the city of Boston which means I support all Boston based teams. Sadly today was a pretty shit day for us Pats fans as we lost to fucking Eli and the Giants. Fucking hate the Giants aye. Anyway another week has passed in my Quest and I'm still dedicated to this goal, people told me I'd stop after a couple of weeks. Well I'm about to start week 4 which will basically mean I'll have done a month. Also lessons start tomorrow at school, looking forward to them. Until next time farewell and I hope all my readers stay safe.

Peace :)

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