Thursday, 19 January 2012

Day At The Races

Hey everybody, tonight I went to the races and collected roughly $50 in winnings which is exceptionally good considering I started off with $8. I don't read any of those form guides that the 'pundits' have made telling you the 'best' horses to pick. I just went from the heart and picked horses based on the names. I chose names relating to my feelings and my biggest winner was a horse who had the same name as the female I have strong feelings for. It was one of those moments where you just have a gut instinct that this is the right horse and well it all worked out.

I've done a lot of thinking over the last couple of days about if what I'm doing is right. I keep thinking of all the negatives and not the positives which could come from this. What if I'm wasting a year of my life, a year which according to many other students who have finished school is the greatest year at school. I'm sacrificing most of my social life for this female, what if she rejects me. Will I be able to continue with my life if I get rejected after all the work I will have put into it?

I think I'll be able to overcome rejection, well I hope I can. I'm quite a shy person in real life and that is probably why I'm not really a normal person. Most normal males my age are really only on the lookout for the nearest 'pussy' they can get or their next 'fuck'. But not me, I prefer to think thoughts over in my mind and calculate all pros and cons of any venture into my love life. I like to have everything organised in my life, this is really why I'm writing a blog. Mainly so I can keep all my thoughts organised over this period in my life and then look back over it in a year and realise where I went wrong.

This blog isn't just about my life, it's about everybody. It's a story for us all to look at and relate to in our own lives. I hope that if you read this despite your opinions on my quest you get something out of it. Maybe a message about what not to do with your life or hopefully it inspires you to follow your heart. Sure it might not work and you'll feel like a complete idiot. But maybe you'll learn something about yourself, about what you are capable of. Everybody is special and unique. We can all do amazing things if we just put our minds to it. So follow your heart and don't let anybody tell you, that you are 'unable' to do something. Because you can do it. I believe in you and I hope you all believe in me.

Peace :)

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